Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to Generate Free Electricty at Home

Nikola Tesla was a man ahead of his time who discovered how to generate free electricity. He determined that the air around the earth traps the energy produced by positivity of the sun and the negativity earth. This energy is available, all the time, for FREE! After his death, his plans and notes explaining how to tap into this free energy were mysteriously missing. Check out this video below. I found this on youtube and it demonstrates how his plans can be used to build a portable generator possible of producing free electricity out of thin air.

These circuits are so easy to build that they say even a 10 year old can do it. Find out everything you need to know to start generating free electricity for yourself now!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 Tips To Go Green and Save Money At The Pump

Photo by Arvind Balaraman
Leave Earlier, Drive Slower, Save More! Every 5 mph that you drive over 60 miles an hour is basically paying an additional $0.20 per gallon for gasoline. Slowing down can save you money at the pump! 

Use cruise control - Using cruise control will keep your car going at a constant speed. When you don't use cruise control, your speed will vary by a few miles an hour as your vehicle travels up and down hills. If you accelerate too much, you waste gas. If you slow down then accelerate again you use more gas. Staying at a constant speed will save on your miles per gallon.

Remove excess weight - If your car has books, golf clubs, tools, clothes etc, take them out of your car. Extra weight means it takes more fuel to get up to speed.

Drive Sensibly Aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration and braking) wastes gas. It can lower your gas mileage by 33 percent at highway speeds and by 5 percent around town. It can also lower your chances of causing or getting into an accident, your stress level and the amount you pay at the pump!

Do one Stop Shopping - Don't drive from store to store or make multiple trips to town. Do it all at once whenever possible. The constant stopping and starting will waste gas and adds more harmful waste to the environment.

If everyone could make a few simple changes to they way they drive and use their vehicles over time, we would have a dramatic impact on the environment and save more money at the pump!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Let off the Gas and Save Some Green

Look for opportunities to let off the gas and save some green.

If you're like me you probably drive the same routes each week, work, home, the store. Look ahead and let up on the gas earlier to save on the gas you would normally use by pressing on the gas pedal.
Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot

Coasting to a stop at the light or up behind a line of cars won't cost you much time during your overall commute but it will help the environment and put more green in your pocket.